Having a fountain in the garden can be very attractive. But can you get more out of your fountain with the right design?

If you plan to make your garden more beautiful by adding a fountain, follow this article until the end.

Choosing the right fountain
The first step in beautifying the environment with a fountain is choosing the right fountain. You should choose a fountain that is suitable for your space. In this direction, you should pay attention to things like size, style and cost. Think for a while and decide what role you want the fountain to play. Do you want the fountain to be the center of gravity of your garden? In this case, it may be ideal to choose a multi-story option with large dimensions. But if your goal is to create a little space and you want your fountain to be heard rather than seen, choosing a smaller one is probably a better option.
But as mentioned, choosing a suitable fountain and buying a fountain is only the first step. The next step is to determine how to implement it in space. Next, we’ll go over some tips on how to make sure your fountain looks good and blends in well with its surroundings.

Adding a water fountain to the environment: Give your garden a better look by following these few tips
A garden fountain is a lovely addition to your outdoor space. However, you have to be creative to make sure it blends in with the space. Listed here are some tips that will help you create a wonderful environment with a water feature.

1- Use colorful flowers
After you have decided on the fountain and its placement, you need to make sure that it really looks like it belongs in the space. For this purpose, you can try adding some flowers. This can give attractive colors to a monotonous fountain. Think about how tall the flowers will be when they grow. You don’t want them to be taller than your fountain, because then they can hide the fountain. When choosing plants for the fountain, pay attention to their compatibility with environmental conditions, such as weather, so that the probability of the plants’ durability increases.

2- Use green plants
Green space can make the outdoor space look more natural. One of the plants that you can use to make the surrounding of the fountain green is “mother-in-law’s tongue”.

3- Use medicinal plants to make your fountain more exciting
Usually, a small amount of water comes out of the fountains every day. You can take advantage of this by planting plants around the base. Sweet basil and lavender are two types of vegetables that grow in this type of environment. Another advantage of growing medicinal plants around a fountain is that they probably won’t grow too much. Therefore, you can beautify the space with the help of medicinal plants without hiding the fountain.

4- Create a “healthy” appearance with the help of vegetables
Consider planting vegetables and short fruit bushes at the bottom of the fountain. Pumpkins, blueberries, strawberries, zucchini, and broccoli are some of your options that are not only delicious when ripe, but can also add new colors to your water feature.

5- Place some chairs next to the fountain
Want to enjoy your fountain up close? So put some chairs around it. By adding some benches, you can enjoy reading a book near the water or just spend time by the water feature and outdoors.

6- Brighten the garden fountain with the help of lighting
By adding special lighting to the fountain, you can enjoy it at any time of the day or night. There are different options for lighting the fountain.
You can choose white lights, single color lights, or multi-color lights. For lighting in the villa and garden, when choosing the lights you want to install, be sure to consider the color of the fountain and the surrounding items.
After choosing the color, determine the power supply to be used. The most popular options include solar lights, battery-powered lights, and string lights.

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