All kinds of fountains, such as musical fountains, dancing fountains, green fountains, etc., are very popular for the beauty of homes, gardens, and offices.
We are sure that you will feel happy and enjoy seeing a beautiful fountain.
But most customers are concerned about the maintenance and cleaning of the fountain. Ways to care for and maintain fountains are very effective in increasing the length of the fountain.
You can enjoy watching it by periodically cleaning the fountain.

Ways to care for and maintain water fountains

The ways to care for and maintain water fountains are as follows:


The amount of water used in the fountain is important. The importance of water quality in all types of musical fountains is very high.
Low water level will cause permanent damage to fountain pumps.
Whenever you notice the water getting low, bring it to an acceptable level. This point is an important part of ways to care for and maintain water fountains.
Also consider that distilled water is the best option, because it does not contain minerals and water impurities, distilled water is a pure source of moisture. In addition, it prevents the creation of minerals and flaking and stains in the fountain pump and is one of the best ways to maintain the fountain.

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water change

Sometimes drain the water completely and fill with clean water. Fresh water gives freshness and special beauty to the musical fountain.
Clean the surface with a damp cloth while changing the water. Use an old toothbrush or soft brush and vinegar to clean. Try to do this once a month to remove all dirt, dust, and dirt from the fountain environment.


Algae is not only unsightly, but also damages the fountain pump and other components. Fortunately, they are easy to remove.
Once a week, one drop of vinegar is enough to clean the water and add one drop per gallon.
If there is a lot of algae growth, double the amount. An increase in temperature is one of the causes of the increase in algae. During the warmer months, you need more cleaning.

One of the things we don’t recommend is chlorine or chemical bleaches.
Although algae are destroyed, because they are poisonous, they also harm birds and animals. Although the use of chlorine or chemical bleaches makes the outer surface of the fountain clean and beautiful, it may cause damage to the pump and water flow. Considering the price of musical fountains, it is necessary to be careful in maintaining other parts and equipment of the fountain.

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There are ways to repair it and replace it if necessary. Repairs can be time-consuming, so it is better to properly take care of all types of rhythmic fountains, dry floors, etc., so that the fountain is not damaged.

Strange and unusual sounds can be a sign of damage to the pump, which is the reason for the lack of water that you need to add water immediately. When cleaning the fountain, clean the pump as well.

If the fountain is outside the house, it is important to remove dust, dirt, leaves and water impurities. You can even disinfect the pump.
Also clean the pump once a month and make sure the water is moving evenly throughout the fountain. It is worth noting that fountains made of special materials such as bronze can withstand cold weather.


It is better to place the homemade musical fountain in a suitable place in the winter season.
During cold weather, the fountain must have a suitable location, otherwise you must completely drain and dry it to ensure that the water freezes and cracks your fountain. You can cover it with waterproof covers so that it is not exposed to rain and snow. With this method, you can keep your fountain safe from accidents.

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Caring for outdoor fountains

Wall fountains, large three-story fountains, and green space fountains can all have unique beauty.
Large courtyard and outdoor fountains can host a real and beautiful party, so that you and your guests can enjoy watching the fountain.
The beauty of the fountain requires the correct use of ways to care for and maintain the fountains.

The location of the fountain

Dry floor fountains, rhythmic, dancing, etc. should be installed in the appropriate area and a constant flow of water should be maintained in them.
Every water feature should be installed in a suitable place.
The weight and material of the fountain should be considered. The fountain must have a strong dam to rely on that can be assured.

A freestanding light fountain, such as a musical bubble fountain, must be placed on a suitable cross-sectional area so that it can continue to function.
The area around the fountain should also be suitable so that it does not damage the fountain and the flowers and plants remain healthy and dust, dust, dirt and pollution do not harm the fountain.
Cleaning all types of fountains should be done periodically so that bad and unpleasant odors do not occur and you can enjoy the view.

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Taking care of the fountain

There are several important points related to fountain care:

Make sure waterproof is always appropriate. The low water level will dry up the water fountain and damage the equipment and water pump.
As a general rule, we fill the water up to an inch below the edge of the fountain. Too much water also damages the edges of the fountain.
Clean the pump periodically to avoid unpleasant residue. This will not only ensure a steady flow of water, but also protect the pump from damage. The pump is one of the important components of the fountain, the type of which affects the price of the musical fountain.

Finally, remove the algae created in the fountain to remove the pollutants. The remaining of these contaminations causes heat and endangers the health of the pump.
Avoid bleach, sulfates, and chlorides to clean your fountain. These materials will damage the connectors, as a result the concrete will be damaged and the fountain will disintegrate over time.

Add water

Change the fountain water every month to ensure the cleanliness and freshness of the fountain. You must use the right materials to fight algae and prevent their growth so that your fountain has a long life. Talk to a musical fountain sales expert to provide you with the necessary information about the fountain you have purchased.

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Cooling the fountain

After the end of the summer season, you should prepare the fountain for the cold and winter months.
Drain the water in cold weather when the water freezes. Because the fountain is prone to break and damage.
Ideally, for maximum protection, you can place the fountain in an area such as a garage.

If the fountain is too large, you must take care to protect it from damage in the outdoor space. Use a cover for the fountain. Cover bowls and fountains with blankets and towels, make sure to drain excess water, put wooden strips under the fountain so it doesn’t stick to the floor.
Finally, visit the fountain occasionally to make sure everything is in order and there are no cracked or frozen parts.
In addition to beauty, fountains need care and attention, which minimizes the damage and damage of fountains by using ways to care and maintain them.

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